We encourage researchers to contact the George W. Bush Presidential Library before making a research visit. See the Plan a Research Visit page for further information.
To learn more about all open Presidential records currently available for research, please view the Finding Aids below. Links to FOIAs without digitized material will open the Finding Aid only as indicated by the PDF icon. Material that has been processed, but has not been digitized can be requested via a reproduction order for a fee. Links to FOIAs with digitized material will open the secondary webpage. To search within digitized records, please visit the National Archives Catalog.
Electronic born-digital records, or assets, such as emails, are not digitized by the Bush Library. If a FOIA contains assets, unless otherwise stated, the assets are not currently available online. Electronic records can be viewed in the research room or requested via a reproduction order for a fee.
The FOIA request numbers are for administrative purposes only and are not consecutive.
- 2014-0038-F: Records on HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in Alaska
- 2014-0039-F: Emails Sent or Received by Assistants to the President on September 11, 2001
- 2014-0040-F: Drafts of President George W. Bush’s First Inaugural Address
- 2014-0041-F: Drafts of President George W. Bush’s Remarks at the National Day of Prayer and Remembrance on September 14, 2001
- 2014-0042-F: Drafts of the 2002 State of the Union Address
- 2014-0043-F: Drafts of the Beginning of the Iraq War Speeches
- 2014-0044-F: Drafts of the May 1, 2003 Speech Delivered Aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln
- 2014-0045-F: Drafts of the Second Inaugural Address of President George W. Bush, Delivered January 20, 2005
- 2014-0047-F: Emails Sent or Received by Karl Rove that Mention John Kerry, January 1, 2004 - November 4, 2004
- 2014-0048-F: Records on Lehman Brothers from September 11, 2008 to September 15, 2008
- 2014-0049-F: Emails Sent or Received by Commissioned Officers on November 3 and 4, 2004
- 2014-0052-F: Records on the Speech by Victoria Nuland, United States Permanent Representative to NATO, to Presse Club and AmCham, in Paris, France, February 22, 2008
- 2014-0053-F: Records on the European Security Strategy "A Secure Europe in a Better World"
- 2014-0059-F: The Meeting of President George W. Bush with European Leaders in Belgium on February 22, 2005
- 2014-0060-F: The Speech by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at Sciences Politiques in Paris, France on February 8, 2005
- 2014-0061-F: Records on the Headline Goal 2010
- 2014-0064-F: Records on the NATO-EU Declaration on ESDP (European Security and Defense Policy), December 16, 2002
- 2014-0067-F: Records on Operation Artemis, Democratic Republic of the Congo
- 2014-0068-F: Records on German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Speech on February 12, 2005
- 2014-0072-F: Correspondence Between President Bush and His Pastors and Spiritual Advisors
- 2014-0073-F: All Communications Between George W. Bush and Barack Obama or Their Representatives, 2001-2009
- 2014-0074-F: Records on the Communication with Leaders of Afghanistan Between September 11, 2001 and December 31, 2001
- 2014-0075-F[1]: Records on the Use of Guantanamo Bay as a Detention Facility Between 09/11/2001 and 01/20/2009
- 2014-0077-F: Audio and Video Recordings of Meetings with President George W. Bush, and Transcripts of Such Meetings, from September 11, 2001 - September 20, 2001 To view, see the Library's YouTube channel @GWBLibrary.
- 2014-0078-F[1]: Records on Methods of Interrogation
- 2014-0079-F[1]: Records on the Drafting of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001
- 2014-0080-F[1]: Records on the Possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) by Iraq
- 2014-0081-F: Records on the April 6-7, 2002 Meetings Between President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair
- 2014-0084-F: Records on the February 23 and 24, 2001 Meetings Between President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair
- 2014-0086-F: Records on Communication from Secretary Rumsfeld to President George W. Bush on November 21, 2001
- 2014-0090-F: The Meeting Between President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, January 31, 2003
- 2014-0098-F: Select Dates of the Presidential Daily Diary
- 2014-0099-F: Presidential Correspondence with Richard H. Brodhead between March 25, 2006 and September 30, 2006
- 2014-0104-F: Records on the Texas Redistricting Process from May 1, 2003, through August 1, 2003
- 2014-0106-F[1]: Correspondence Sent to President George W. Bush Related to the War in Iraq, Between October 8, 2002 and January 19, 2009
- 2014-0108-F[1]: Correspondence to the President on Vacancies on the Federal District Courts, Federal Courts of Appeal, and the United States Supreme Court
- 2014-0109-F[2]: Photographs and Contact Sheets Created from the Presidency of George W. Bush, January 20, 2001 - January 31, 2001 and January 19, 2009 - January 20, 2009
- 2014-0123-F[1]: All Records Related to Harriet Miers' Nomination and Withdrawal to the United States Supreme Court
- 2014-0124-F: Records on President George H.W. Bush
- 2014-0125-F: Records Related to Lance Armstrong
- 2014-0126-F: Records on Performance Enhancing Drugs in Professional Baseball
- 2014-0127-F: Records on the Commutation Issued to I. Lewis ("Scooter") Libby or Records Related to a Potential Pardon for Mr. Libby
- 2014-0130-F[1]: Records on Valerie Plame Wilson or Joseph C. Wilson IV
- 2014-0132-F: Records on Christopher "Chris" Christie
- 2014-0138-F: Records on Elizabeth Ann Warren
- 2014-0142-F[1]: Records Pertaining to the Proposed Dismissal or Replacement of United States Attorneys in November and December 2006
- 2014-0145-F: All Photographs of the Handshake Greeting by President George W. Bush with Members of Project Prayer Flag at the White House on January 12, 2009 as well as All Correspondence from 2008-2009 with Project Prayer Flag
- 2014-0149-F: Joseph Hagin's Records Relating to the Enduring Constitutional Government (ECG) and Enduring Constitutional Government Coordinating Council (ECGCC)
- 2014-0153-F: Records on the Suspension and Continuation of Play by Professional and University Sports Leagues Following September 11, 2001
- 2014-0155-F: Records of Communications Between President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair See also MDR Request 2014-0471-M
- 2014-0157-F: Records on the Skull and Bones Society
- 2014-0158-F: Records for George W. Bush, Laura Bush, Joshua Bolten, Andrew Card, Ari Fleischer, Karl Rove, Karen Hughes, Joe Hagin, and Condoleezza Rice from September 11, 2001
- 2014-0159-F: Drafts of Executive Order 13303
- 2014-0195-F: Emails Sent from the Organization Third Way
- 2014-0196-F: Emails Sent from Harold Ford to Members of the George W. Bush Administration
- 2014-0197-F: Emails Sent from Jim Messina to Members of the George W. Bush Administration
- 2014-0198-F1: Email Records on MoveOn or MoveOn.org
- 2014-0200-F: Emails Related to the Nevada Democratic Fox News Debate from 2007 to 2008
- 2014-0206-F[1]: Records Pertaining to Valerie Plame (Plamegate)
- 2014-0210-F: Records on Scott Bloch from January 1, 2008 to January 20, 2009***
- 2014-0214-F[1]: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush Regarding Afghanistan
- 2014-0215-F[2]: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush Regarding Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden
- 2014-0218-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush Regarding Vice President Richard B. Cheney
- 2014-0219-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush Regarding Jamie Dimon Between July 2004 and January 2009 and Vikram Pandit Between December 2007 and January 2009
- 2014-0220-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush Regarding Drones, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), and Targeted Killing Between January 2004 and January 2009
- 2014-0221-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush Between January 2001 and December 2002 Regarding Enron, Jeffrey Skilling, Kenneth Lay, and Andrew Fastow
- 2014-0222-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush Between January 2007 and January 2009 Regarding the Financial Crisis
- 2014-0224-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush on Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, January 2002 - December 2006
- 2014-0225-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush Concerning Enhanced Interrogation Techniques Waterboarding, Torture, Rendition, Egypt, Jordan, Rendition Flights, or the CIA
- 2014-0226-F[1]: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush Regarding Iran and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad See also MDR Request 2016-0095-M
- 2014-0227-F[1]: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush Regarding Iraq or Saddam Hussein Between January 20, 2001 and March 31, 2003
- 2014-0229-F: Records Related to Jose Padilla Between May 2002 and February 2008
- 2014-0230-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush About the Administration’s Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina Between August 1, 2005 and August 1, 2006
- 2014-0233-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Rceived by President George W. Bush Regarding Saudi Arabia from January 2001 - March 2003
- 2014-0234-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush Regarding Scooter Libby, Valerie Plame, et al. Between January 2001 and December 2007
- 2014-0235-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush Regarding the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001 and Their Aftermath
- 2014-0237-F[1]: White House Visitor’s Log Records from January 20, 2001 - January 20, 2009
- 2014-0243-F: Correspondence Between President George W. Bush and William F. Buckley
- 2014-0250-F: NSC Records Regarding the Invasion and Subsequent Fall of Baghdad to American Troops on 04/09/2003
- 2014-0258-F: NSC Records Related to President George W. Bush’s First Meeting with Prime Minister Maliki on June 13, 2006
- 2014-0260-F: Records on the December 13, 2006 Meeting with President George W. Bush and the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- 2014-0274-F: Records Created Among and Between Henry Paulson, Timothy Geithner, Sheila Bair, and the White House Regarding Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, and TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program)
- 2014-0287-F: Records Summarizing Trends in Public Opinion Mail and Email Sent to the White House and President George W. Bush
- 2014-0299-F: Correspondence with President Jimmy Carter or Rosalynn Carter and George W. Bush, as well as Speeches or Press Releases Regarding the Carters
- 2014-0301-F: Records on Edward (Ed) Gillespie
- 2014-0302-F: Staff Member Office Files of Daniel Sullivan and Material Related to His Tenure as Acting Senior Director of the National Security Council Directorate of International Economic Affairs
- 2014-0304-F: Presidential Correspondence with Senator Elizabeth Dole from March 25, 2006 to September 30, 2006
- 2014-0305-F: A List of the Memoranda of Conversations and Memoranda of Telephone Conversations Between President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair
- 2014-0322-F: Records on the May 29, 2007, Meeting of Four Vietnamese-American Activists with President George W. Bush
- 2014-0325-F: Emails Sent Between March 20, 2005, and January 20, 2009, Regarding the Denver Three
- 2014-0329-F: Notes from Prime Minister Tony Blair to President George W. Bush Concerning the Iraq War
- 2014-0333-F: Emails Related to the Revelation of Memos Regarding Torture in June 2004
- 2014-0334-F: Records Created by or Sent to Robert Hoyt Related to Securities Regulation, the SEC, and Market Regulation
- 2014-0335-F: Records Created by or Sent to Susan Dudley Related Securities Regulation, the SEC, and Market Regulation
- 2014-0337-F: Records Created by or Sent to Robert Portman Related to Securities Regulation, the SEC, and Market Regulation
- 2014-0342-F: Records Created by or Sent to Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr., Director of OMB, Related to Securities Regulation, the SEC, and Market Regulation
- 2014-0343-F: Records Created by or Sent to N. Gregory Mankiw Regarding Government Sponsored Enterprise (GSE) Regulation, Policy and Legislation
- 2014-0345-F: Records Created by or Sent to David Nason, Deputy Secretary of Treasury, Related to Securities Regulation, the SEC, and Market Regulation
- 2014-0348-F: Records Created by or Sent to Elaine Chao, Secretary of Labor, Related to Securities Regulation, the SEC, and Market Regulation
- 2014-0349-F: Records Created by or Sent to Henry Paulson, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury, Related to Securities Regulation, the SEC, and Market Regulation
- 2014-0350-F: Records Created by or Sent to John Snow, Secretary of the Treasury, Related to Securities Regulation, the SEC, and Market Regulation
- 2014-0351-F: Records Created by or Sent to Jim Nussle Related to Securities Regulation, the SEC, and Market Regulation
- 2014-0353-F: Records Created by or Sent to Stephen McMillin Related to Securities Regulation, the SEC, and Market Regulation
- 2014-0355-F: Records Created by or Sent to Arthur Levitt, Chairman of the SEC
- 2014-0356-F: Records Created by or Sent to Harvey Pitt, Chairman of the SEC
- 2014-0357-F: Records Created by or Sent to William Donaldson, Chairman of the SEC
- 2014-0358-F: Records Created by or Sent to Christopher Cox, Chairman of the SEC
- 2014-0359-F: Records Created by or Sent to Isaac Hunt, SEC Commissioner
- 2014-0360-F: Records Created by or Sent to Cynthia Glassman, SEC Commissioner
- 2014-0361-F: Records Created by or Sent to Harvey Goldschmid, SEC Commissioner
- 2014-0362-F: Records Created by or Sent to Paul Atkins, SEC Commissioner
- 2014-0363-F: Records Created by or Sent to Roel Campos, SEC Commissioner
- 2014-0364-F: Records Created by or Sent to Annette Nazareth, SEC Commissioner
- 2014-0365-F: Records Created by or Sent to Kathleen Casey, SEC Commissioner
- 2014-0368-F: Records Created by or Sent to Troy Paredes, SEC Commissioner
- 2014-0370-F: Appointment of SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt
- 2014-0373-F: Records on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 to or from the SEC or Congress
- 2014-0374-F: Records on the Bernard Madoff Controversy and Investigation
- 2014-0375-F: Records Sent or Received by the SEC Related to the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003
- 2014-0377-F: Records on the Housing and Credit Crisis of 2008-2009, Limited to Information or Correspondence with the SEC, FINRA, the CFCT, Christopher Dodd, or Barney Frank
- 2014-0378-F: Records Created by or Sent to Laura Unger, SEC Acting Commissioner
- 2014-0390-F: Final Copies of Unclassified HSPDs and NSPDs
- 2014-0397-F: Information to, from or About Karl Rove Regarding the Book Bush's Brain by James Moore and Wayne Slater
- 2014-0401-F: Correspondence Between President George W. Bush and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales
- 2014-0402-F: Photographs from Various Presidential Trips
- 2014-0407-F: Email References to, or Correspondence with, Julia Susman
- 2014-0411-F: Pakistan's Role in the War on Terror Between January 2005 and December 2006
- 2014-0412-F: Records Mentioning Pakistan's Response to the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Attacks
- 2014-0413-F: Conversations and Communications Between President George W. Bush and President Pervez Musharraf, 2001-2002, 2005-2006
- 2014-0414-F: Communications that Mention President Pervez Musharraf, 2001-2008
- 2014-0416-F: Records on the Nuclear Treaty with India, January 2005-August 2005
- 2014-0422-F: The Guest List and Agenda for a Meeting President George W. Bush Was to Have with Muslim Leaders on September 11, 2001
- 2014-0424-F: Correspondence Between Pope John Paul II and President George W. Bush
- 2014-0427-F: Draft US Space Transportation Policy Between 2000 and 2002
- 2014-0442-F: White House Visitor Logs Documenting All Visits to See Edward Gillespie, as well as Any Visits Made by Edward Gillespie
- 2014-0446-F: Emails Between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Office of Management and Budget on Multiple Topics
- 2014-0447-F: Video of President George W. Bush at the “Maine Welcome,” October 22, 2002, in Bangor
- 2014-0453-F: Records on the Creation of the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument through Presidential Proclamation 8327 on December 5, 2008
- 2014-0454-F: Records Related to President George W. Bush's Campaign Statement Regarding Budget Deficits from January 2001-December 2002
- 2014-0457-F: Records on Iraq Within the Condoleezza Rice Files Between January 2001 and March 2003
- 2014-0459-F: Records Related to the Nomination and Confirmation of Stephen C. Robinson as a U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of New York
- 2014-0472-F: The Personnel File of Paul Chabot
- 2014-0473-F: The Personnel File of Elise Stefanik
- 2014-0476-F: Electronic Correspondence from July 1, 2006 to January 31, 2007 Between Benjamin Ho and Neel Kashkari, Keith Hennessy, Al Hubbard, Andy Karsner, or Edward Lazear
- 2014-0479-F: Records on Requester
- 2014-0480-G: Email Petitions Sent to president@whitehouse.gov Protesting the Start of the Iraq War Between January 1, 2003 and March 31, 2003
- 2014-0482-F: Records on Former President Lennart Meri of Estonia
- 2014-0483-F: All Letters to President George W. Bush from Children Received on Christmas 2000 and 2004
- 2014-0487-F: Minutes of National Security Council Meetings from January 2001 to December 2001
- 2014-0489-F: Select Speeches Related to Turkey
- 2014-0490-F: Correspondence Regarding Payday Lending, Rent-A-Bank, or Shadow Banking
- 2014-0501-F: Emails Between Edward Lazear, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, and the Domestic Policy Council, National Economic Council, and the Department of the Treasury
- 2014-0502-F: Records on a Letter from White House Counsel to the General Accounting Office That Was Written on June 5, 2001 Detailing Damage to the White House During the Clinton/Bush Transition
- 2014-0508-F: Condoleezza Rice's Cancelled Speech at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies on September 11, 2001
- 2014-0512-F: Records on the 21st Century Energy Project
- 2014-0515-F: A November 2006 Memorandum Regarding the Conditions in Iraq as Seen by Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Steven J. Hadley, During His October 2006 Trip
- 2014-0516-F: Reports Detailing White House Office Staff Names, Positions and Titles, and Annual Rate of Pay
- 2014-0527-F: Records on Laura Bush's Meeting with Afghan Women on November 27, 2001
- 2014-0528-F: Records Related to Laura Bush's Trip to Ghana to Launch the Africa Education Initiative in 2006
- 2014-0531-F: Records Regarding HIV/AIDS from Mrs. Bush's Trip to South Africa, Rwanda, and Tanzania in July 2005
- 2014-0532-F: Mrs. Laura Bush's Trip to India in March 2006
- 2014-0539-F: Communication Between President George W. Bush and Martin O'Malley
- 2014-0553-F: Video of the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony Honoring Jackie Robinson, March 2, 2005
- 2014-0555-F: Drafts of President George W. Bush’s Remarks at the United States Military Academy at West Point on June 1, 2002
- 2014-0559-F: Emails Regarding Payday Lending, Rent-A-Bank, or Shadow Banking
- 2014-0563-F: The Resignation of SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt
- 2014-0564-F: The Nomination of SEC Chairman Christopher Cox
- 2014-0570-F: Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Visit to Crawford in November 2001