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Unless noted by a PDF icon, some or all of the material in FOIAs has been digitized and is viewable online. Links to FOIAs without digitized material will open the Finding Aid. To search within digitized records, please visit the National Archives Catalog.
Please note that there are more records available for viewing in person in the research room than are available online. To learn more about all open Presidential records currently available for research, please view the Finding Aids. Material that has been processed but has not been digitized can be requested via a reproduction order for a fee. Contact the archives staff for more information.
Electronic records, or assets, were born-digital and therefore not digitized by the George W. Bush Presidential Library staff. If a FOIA contains assets in addition to pages, unless otherwise stated, the assets are not currently available online. Electronic records can be viewed in the research room or by contacting the archives.
The FOIA request numbers are for administrative purposes only and are not consecutive.
- 2015-0001-F: Letters to President George W. Bush from Requester
- 2015-0007-F: Photographs from February 1-14, 2001 and January 17-18, 2009
- 2015-0012-F: Specific Dates of the Presidential Daily Diary and Briefing Materials
- 2015-0036-F: Records Related to Billy Graham
- 2015-0037-F: Records Related to James Dobson
- 2015-0039-F: Records Related to Mark Craig
- 2015-0047-F: All Principals Committee (PC) and Deputies Committee (DC) Meetings on China
- 2015-0056-F: Repatriation Documents Addressed to President George W. Bush Sent in 2001 and 2002
- 2015-0065-F: All Emails Sent or Received by Christopher Barton, NSC Director for Latin America, Between January 2003 and December 2005 in the Electronic Records Archive
- 2015-0067-F: Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADS)
- 2015-0088-F: A Copy of President George W. Bush's Travel Itinerary for His April 28, 2003 Visit to Dearborn, Michigan
- 2015-0089-F: Photographs and Videotape of George W. Bush's 2007 Visit to the U. S. Border Patrol - Yuma Station Headquarters in Yuma, Arizona
- 2015-0094-F: Records from January 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002 Regarding Purcell v. MWI Corp; Documents Containing the Terms Eller, Indimi, MWI, and McCallum; or Correspondence between Robert McCallum and the Executive Office of the President
- 2015-0097-F: Video of Rachida Dati at the Social Dinner in Honor of His Excellency Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the French Republic
- 2015-0099-F: Records Related to President George W. Bush’s Letter to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on April 14, 2004
- 2015-0101-F: Executed Copy of President Bush’s January 15, 2008, Memorandum on Presidential Exemption from the Coastal Zone Management Act Sent to Secretaries of Defense and Commerce
- 2015-0110-F: Records on Linda Schrenko, 2001-2002
- 2015-0113-F: Secretary of Education Rod Paige’s Visits to Atlanta in 2002
- 2015-0117-F: White House Office of Records Management Subject Files - RM (Religious Matters) Case Files 450588 and 622957
- 2015-0118-F: White House Office of Records Management Subject Files Case Files 452788, 680212, 746278, 758269, and 763588
- 2015-0119-F: Any and All Documents, Correspondence, and Emails Exchanged Between John Ellis (“Jeb”) Bush and President George W. Bush Between January 1, 2001 and January 1, 2002
- 2015-0120-F: Any and All Documents, Correspondence, and Emails Exchanged Between John Ellis (“Jeb”) Bush and President George W. Bush Between January 1, 2002 and January 1, 2003
- 2015-0121-F: Any and All Documents, Correspondence, and Emails Exchanged Between John Ellis (“Jeb”) Bush and President George W. Bush Between January 1, 2003 and January 1, 2004
- 2015-0122-F: Any and All Documents, Correspondence, and Emails Exchanged Between John Ellis (“Jeb”) Bush and President George W. Bush Between January 1, 2004, and January 1, 2005
- 2015-0123-F: Any and All Documents, Correspondence, and Emails Exchanged Between John Ellis (“Jeb”) Bush and President George W. Bush Between January 1, 2005, and January 1, 2006
- 2015-0124-F: Any and All Documents, Correspondence, and Emails Exchanged Between John Ellis (“Jeb”) Bush and President George W. Bush Between January 1, 2006, and January 1, 2007
- 2015-0127-F: Folder Titled “Governor Jeb Bush Lawsuit” in the Collection “White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives” and the Series “Henderson, Kristin – Outreach State Contact Files”
- 2015-0128-F: Folder Titled “Governor Jeb Bush Mentoring Initiative” in the Collection “White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives” and the Series “Henderson, Kristin – Outreach State Contact Files”
- 2015-0133-F: Roster of Special Government Employees (SGEs)
- 2015-0140-F: Films Screened by President George W. Bush
- 2015-0154-F: Manuals, Forms, and Guides for Planning Presidential Events
- 2015-0169-F: Photographs of President George W. Bush with Ambassador Raymond A. Joseph During 2005 Credentials Ceremony
- 2015-0175-F: Records of White House Evacuation on September 11, 2001 To view, see the Library's YouTube channel @GWBLibrary.
- 2015-0181-F: Audiovisual Records of “Moving Day” at the White House and Meetings Between Mrs. Hillary Clinton or Mrs. Michelle Obama and Mrs. Laura Bush
- 2015-0188-F: White House Office of Records Management Subject Files Country Code CO097 (Republic of Liberia)
- 2015-0189-F: Correspondence to/from Members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or Timothy Geithner Between November 1, 2007 and March 31, 2008, Related to Maiden Lane, Term Auction Facility (TAF), Term Securities Lending Facility (TSLF), or Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF)
- 2015-0192-F: Thank You Notes and Acknowledgement of Liberian Gifts
- 2015-0194-F: Photographs of Trips to Liberia and of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in Washington, D.C.
- 2015-0200-F: Audiovisual Records of President George W. Bush with Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador Prince Bandar Bin Sultan
- 2015-0202-F: Correspondence of President Bush Related to the Duke Lacrosse Case, Between March 25, 2006, and October 30, 2007
- 2015-0204-F: Records Regarding the United States Effort to Remove Jose Bustani from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- 2015-0208-F: Memorandum Addressed to President George W. Bush from CEA Chief Economist on the Topic of the December 2007 Employment Report
- 2015-0209-F: Memorandum Addressed to President George W. Bush from CEA Chief Economist on the Topic of the January 2008 Employment Report
- 2015-0210-F: Memorandum Addressed to President George W. Bush from CEA Chief Economist on the Topic of the September 2008 Employment Report
- 2015-0211-F: Memorandum Addressed to President George W. Bush from CEA Chief Economist on the Topic of the November 2008 Employment Report
- 2015-0212-F: Photos of the Luncheon Following the Clinton Presidential Library Dedication on November 18, 2004
- 2015-0220-F: Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) Textual Records of S. Brock Blomberg, Catherine L. Downard, R. Glenn Hubbard, or Randall S. Kroszner Related to the United States Millennium Challenge Account, from January 1, 2002 to November 25, 2002
- 2015-0226-F: Photographs of Zalmay Khalilzad
- 2015-0228-F: Records Regarding Meetings Between White House Officials and Judith Ference Olson in January 2006
- 2015-0237-F: Records on Bolivia from the National Security Council
- 2015-0251-F: Video Footage of Oval Office Departure Photos with President George W. Bush on January 6, 2005
- 2015-0256-F: Photographs from 2001 of a Ford F-250 Propane-Powered Truck Donated to President George W. Bush for His Crawford, Texas Ranch
- 2015-0261-F: Road Maps and Minutes of the National Security Council RAMS Packages Related to the Millennium Challenge Account, 11/25/2001 - 11/25/2002
- 2015-0268-F: Records Regarding Gifts Presented to President George W. Bush by President Askar Akayev of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2002
- 2015-0271-F: Calendar Records Related to President George W. Bush’s Meetings with British Opposition Conservative Party Leaders Ian Duncan Smith, Michael Howard, David Cameron, and William Hague
- 2015-0273-F: Records Regarding National Security Council Principals Committee Meetings on Iraq Between February 1, 2006 and May 1, 2008
- 2015-0274-F: Records Regarding the Iraq Surge from Deputies Committee Meetings of the National Security Council Between February 1, 2006 and May 1, 2008
- 2015-0275-F: Material Related to the Iraq Surge from the Office of the Executive Secretary Between February 1, 2006 and May 1, 2008
- 2015-0276-F: Material Related to the Iraq Surge from the NSC Records Management Office Between February 1, 2006 and May 1, 2008
- 2015-0277-F: Material Related to the Iraq Surge from the National Security Council - Iraq & Afghanistan Collection Between February 1, 2006 - May 1, 2008
- 2015-0279-F: Material Related to the Iraq Surge from the Office of the National Security Advisor Between February 1, 2006 and May 1, 2008
- 2015-0283-F: Textual Records from the Office Files of Gary Edson Related to the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) from August 1, 2001 to November 25, 2002
- 2015-0285-F: Records Related to the Millennium Challenge Account from November 25, 2001 to November 25, 2002, Within the Files of Jendayi Frazer
- 2015-0286-F: Records Related to the Millennium Challenge Account from November 25, 2001 to November 25, 2002, Within the Files of Bobby Pittman
- 2015-0288-F: Textual Records from the Office Files of Stephen Hadley Related to the Iraq Surge Between February 1, 2006 to May 1, 2008
- 2015-0300-F: White House Office of Records Management Subject Files FI010 (Taxes) and MC (Meetings - Conferences) Regarding Tax Cuts
- 2015-0303-F: Records and Correspondence with and about Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz from the Office of Presidential Personnel
- 2015-0305-F: All Communications by Karl Rove with and about Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz
- 2015-0306-F: All Communications by Israel Hernandez with and about Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz
- 2015-0307-F: Records of Communications by Susan Ralston with and about Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz
- 2015-0308-F: Records from the White House Office of Presidential Personnel Regarding Heidi Cruz
- 2015-0309-F: Records and Correspondence with and about Heidi Suzanne Cruz or Heidi Suzanne Nelson from the White House Counsel's Office
- 2015-0311-F: Records and Correspondence with and about Heidi Cruz While She Worked at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
- 2015-0322-F: Records Related to Thaddeus Ridley