We encourage researchers to contact the Library before making a research visit. See the Plan a Research Visit page for further information.
Unless noted by a PDF icon, some or all of the material in FOIAs has been digitized and is viewable online. Links to FOIAs without digitized material will open the Finding Aid. To search within digitized records, please visit the National Archives Catalog.
Please note that there are more records available for viewing in person in the research room than are available online. To learn more about all open Presidential records currently available for research, please view the Finding Aids. Material that has been processed but has not been digitized can be requested via a reproduction order for a fee. Contact the archives staff for more information.
Electronic records, or assets, were born-digital and therefore not digitized by the George W. Bush Presidential Library staff. If a FOIA contains assets in addition to pages, unless otherwise stated, the assets are not currently available online. Electronic records can be viewed in the research room or by contacting the archives.
The FOIA request numbers are for administrative purposes only and are not consecutive.
To view, see the Library's YouTube channel @GWBLibrary.
To view, see the Library's YouTube channel @GWBLibrary.
To view, see the Library's YouTube channel @GWBLibrary.
To view, see the Library's YouTube channel @GWBLibrary.
To view, see the Library's YouTube channel @GWBLibrary.