Finding Aid
2015-0012-F: Specific Dates of the Presidential Daily Diary and Briefing Materials
Scope and Content
The materials in FOIA 2015-0012-F are a selective, not necessarily all inclusive, body of documents responsive to the topic of the FOIA. Researchers should consult the archivist about related materials.
FOIA 2015-0012-F contains materials related to specific dates of the Presidential Daily Diary and briefing materials from the White House Offices of Scheduling and Advance.
This FOIA primarily contains general correspondence, schedule proposals, schedules and drafts thereof. The electronic record present is the schedule of President George W. Bush for July 27, 2005.
30 folders, approximately 1,036 pages / 1 asset
Official records of George W. Bush's presidency are housed at the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum and administered by the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of the Presidential Records Act.
Folders and Documents
Staff Member Office Files
Advance, White House Office of - Gladney, Kate Appointments and Scheduling, White House Office of - Aires, Daniel- July 2005 – Orlando, Florida/Nashville, Tennessee, 07/27/2005
- July 2005 – St. Paul/Minneapolis, Minnesota, 07/27/2005
- 01/20/2001 - 01/24/2001
- 01/25/2001
- 01/26/2001 - 01/27/2001
- 01/28/2001
- 01/29/2001 - 01/30/2001
- 09/05/2001
- 09/06/2001 - 09/10/2001
- 09/11/2001
- 09/12/2001 - 09/15/2001
- 09/16/2001 - 09/17/2001
- 09/18/2001
- 09/19/2001 - 09/20/2001
- 05/01/2003 - 05/03/2003
- 11/25/2003 - 11/29/2003
- 08/30/2004 - 08/31/2004
- 09/01/2004
- 09/02/2004
- 10/31/2004
- 11/01/2004 - 11/04/2004
- 07/27/2005
- 09/01/2005 - 09/05/2005
- 01/01/2009 - 01/10/2009
- 01/11/2009
- 01/12/2009
- 01/13/2009 - 01/20/2009