Finding Aid
Scope and Content
The materials in FOIA 2015-0127-F are a selective, not necessarily all inclusive, body of documents responsive to the topic of the FOIA. Researchers should consult the archivist about related materials.
FOIA 2015-0127-F contains a folder titled "Governor Jeb Bush Lawsuit" in the Collection "White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives" and the Series "Henderson, Kristin – Outreach State Contact Files."
This FOIA primarily contains a court filing, state-issued executive orders, and a report. The court filing present is numbered 05-CA-1761 and is entitled "Complaint for Declaratory Judgment and for an Injunction." The case was filed in the Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit in and for Leon County, Florida, by Richard and Elaine Hull and the Council for Secular Humanism against Governor Jeb Bush, Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Tommy Gallagher, Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist, Chairman of the Governor’s Faith Based and Community Advisory Board John A. Brabson, and Workforce Florida, Inc. Exhibits attached to the filing include Florida State Executive Orders (04-245 and 05-24), as well as an initial report and recommendations by the Governor’s Faith Based and Community Advisory Board per Florida State EO 04-245.
1 folder, approximately 38 pages
Official records of George W. Bush’s presidency are housed at the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum and administered by the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of the Presidential Records Act.
Folders and Documents
Staff Member Office Files
Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, Office of (OFBCI) - Henderson, Kristin - Outreach State Contact Files