Finding Aid
2015-0192-F: Thank You Notes and Acknowledgement of Liberian Gifts
Scope and Content
The materials in FOIA 2015-0192-F are a selective, not necessarily all inclusive, body of documents responsive to the topic of the FOIA. Researchers should consult the archivist about related materials.
FOIA 2015-0192-F requested materials related to thank you notes and acknowledgement of Liberian gifts.
This FOIA primarily contains correspondence, printed email, press releases, handwritten notes, forms, spreadsheets, and routing memoranda. The majority of the materials are in regards to President George W. Bush and Mrs. Bush's trip to Liberia in February 2008. There is correspondence (drafts, as well as copies of the final) following this trip from President George W. Bush to those he met, thanking them for gifts, accommodations, and the warm reception received at each of the places he and Mrs. Bush visited. Moreover, there is correspondence from Mrs. Bush thanking Mrs. Kartumu Boakai (Liberia's Vice President) for a gift received during this trip. There are forms from the Gift Office regarding incoming gifts, as well as press releases and printed materials from the White House website. Additional correspondence from President George W. Bush to Liberian officials is also present thanking them for gifts throughout the Bush administration.
17 folders, approximately 861 pages
Official records of George W. Bush's presidency are housed at the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum and administered by the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of the Presidential Records Act.