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The peaceful transition of power and knowledge from one Presidential Administration to another is both a cornerstone and a cyclical event of American democracy.
--Archivist of the United States, November 10, 2016
The letters that outgoing Presidents wrote to their successors serve as a reminder of the sanctity of the office of the President of the United States. Regardless of party or personal beliefs, each letter exemplifies American democracy. They are evidence of a greater understanding that the President is part of something larger than themselves. They graciously acknowledge that one's duty in office as President has come to an end and that it is time to pass the immense power to someone else, often providing some advice or lessons learned. The letters are handwritten by the outgoing President and left on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office for the incoming President to find.
In keeping with tradition, below is the letter that outgoing President William J. Clinton wrote to President George W. Bush in 2001 as well as the letter that outgoing President George W. Bush wrote to President Barack Obama in 2009.
Transition letter from President William J. Clinton to President George W. Bush, dated January 20, 2001.
Dear George,
Today you embark on the greatest venture, with the greatest honor, that can come to an American citizen.
Like me, you are especially fortunate to lead our country in a time of profound and largely positive change, when old questions, not just about the role government, but about the very nature of our nation, must be answered anew.
You lead a proud, decent, good people. And from this day you are President of all of us. I salute you and wish you success and much happiness.
The burdens you now shoulder are great but often exaggerated. The sheer joy of doing what you believe is right is inexpressible.
My prayers are with you and your family. Godspeed.
Sincerely, Bill
Dear Barack,
Congratulations on becoming our President. You have just begun a fantastic chapter in your life.
Very few have had the honor of knowing the responsibility you now feel. Very few know the excitement of the moment and challenges you will face.
There will be trying moments. The critics will rage. Your "friends" will disappoint you. But, you will have an Almighty God to comfort you, a family who loves you, and a country that is pulling for you, including me. No matter what comes, you will be inspired by the character and compassion of the people you now lead.
God bless you.
Envelope labeled "44" containing the transition letter from President George W. Bush left on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office from President Barack Obama to find, January 20, 2009.