Freedom of Information Act Requests 2020
The following materials have been processed under the terms of the Presidential Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The following materials have been processed under the terms of the Presidential Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Freedom of Information Act request or FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552, as amended) generally provides any person with the statutory right, enforceable in court, to obtain access to Government information in executive branch agency records. This right to access is limited when such information is protected from disclosure by one of FOIA’s nine statutory exemptions.
This collection consists of Presidential records from White House Staff Member Office Files (SMOF), 2001-2009, who served in the administration of President George W. Bush. Named after the individual staff members and/or offices, some series are fully available for research. Otherwise, individual folders have been opened during systematic processing.
The following materials have been processed under the terms of the Presidential Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The George W. Bush Presidential Library holds approximately 30,000 audiovisual recordings, 227 cubic feet of photo negatives, and just over 3.8 million digital photographs created by the White House Photo Office.
What does the President of the United States do? What roles has the occupant of the White House come to play in the last two centuries? How has the Presidency changed over time?
As First Lady, Laura Bush traveled domestically to all 50 states and internationally to more than 75 countries. A leading advocate for literacy, Mrs. Bush championed the power of education to foster healthy families and communities, advance opportunities for young people, and promote human rights worldwide, particularly for women and children.
Presidents have been known to rehearse major speeches in the theatre, but its also a place for First Families and guests to relax and enjoy movies.
The following materials have been processed under the terms of the Presidential Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The following materials have been processed under the terms of the Presidential Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
How to order high resolution images of photographs and other audiovisual materials.
Administration baseball cards, bookmarks, envelopes, information sheets, lithographs, response cards, stickers, and related items are contained within this series. All items in this series were presumably mailed to members of the public who wrote in to the White House.
Proclamations, enclosure cards, and envelopes comprise this series.
This series includes speech drafts, correspondence, publications and web pages related to the arts created or received in the White House Office of Records Management during the administration of George W. Bush.
This series consists of materials pertaining to human and civil rights, ethnic minority groups, voting rights, and ideologies, including communications from the public expressing views or complaints about such matters. HU (Human Rights) is comprised of correspondence, memoranda, reports, fact sheets, and drafts. Materials relate to human and civil rights in the United States, alleged human rights violations in foreign countries, and humanitarian aid provided by the United States to foreign countries.
This series is divided into four subseries based on subcode: PA (Parks), PA001 (Cemeteries), PA002 (Monuments), and PA003 (Reservations). Correspondence includes letters to President Bush from members of Congress and the general public regarding the designation of lands as national parks or national monuments, etc.
This material contains correspondence and requests of the President, including those asking for support of bills or initiatives, with correspondence particularly related to recreation and sports.
Our Presidential Hats program is designed for students in grades 3 - 5. The Presidential Hats Program teaches students the many roles a U.S. President plays. Students learn using technology in a cooperative setting and are asked to read and discuss, comprehend, write, draw an illustration (another component of their worksheet), and construct. Additionally, all learning modalities are addressed: kinesthetic, auditory, visual, and tactile.
National Archives and Records Administration Education Resources about the three branches of government, U.S. presidents, civics, and Texas history.
Barney and Miss Beazley were the much beloved Scottish Terriers of President George W. Bush and Mrs.
The Student Lecture Series is an intern mentoring program for high school and college students.
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Questions and Information about Laura Bush
Textual records folder title lists for records created by Brett Kavanaugh: White House Counsel's Office Files, White House Office of the Staff Secretary Files, and White House Office of the Staff Secretary Confidential Files.
For more than 200 years, the White House has been both the home and the office for the Commander in Chief of the United States and a symbol of our democracy.