Finding Aid
Official records of George W. Bush's presidency are housed at the George W. Bush Presidential Library and administered by the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of the Presidential Records Act. These records were placed online on August 29, 2018.
Scope and Content Note
This grouping of records primarily contains fact sheets, briefings, correspondence, biographical information, press releases, internet printouts, articles from journals and publications, charts, printed emails, and administrative documents such as fax cover sheets, forms, and routing memos. Correspondence includes letters from Congressmen, friends, and former colleagues recommending Brett Kavanaugh for a judgeship on the U.S. Court of Appeals as well as congratulatory letters from President George W. Bush to various newly appointed judges. There is a transcript of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing that includes biographical information, a prepared statement, and questions from senators with answers from Kavanaugh. There are multiple copies of binders prepared specifically on Kavanaugh by the White House Office of Legislative Affairs which contain biographical information, statements by supporters, fact sheets containing responses to allegations, editorials, and letters of support. Fact sheets discuss topics including Kavanaugh’s young age at nomination, his involvement in the Starr investigation of President Clinton, his work involving Elian Gonzalez, his role in Bush administration policy and judicial appointments, his writings, and other legal cases of note. There are documents related to the composition of the DC circuit court and its case load as well as the ages of various judges at nomination. Additionally, there are some records related to the nominations of other judges including biographical information, fact sheets, published articles, and briefings.
Folders and Documents
Records Management, White House Office of
Subject Files - FG050 (Judicial Branch) Subject Files - FG052 (United States Court of Appeals) Subject Files - FG059 (Courts of the District of Columbia) Subject Files - PE002-01 (Policy Positions) Subject Files - PE009 (Retirement, Federal)White House Staff Member Office Files
Counsel's Office, White House - Burck, William (Bill) - Subject Files Counsel's Office, White House - Campagna, Dianna- Brett M. Kavanaugh, Nominee to the D.C. Circuit [1]
- Brett M. Kavanaugh, Nominee to the D.C. Circuit [2]
- Brett M. Kavanaugh, Nominee to the D.C. Circuit [3]
- Brett M. Kavanaugh, Nominee to the D.C. Circuit [4]
- Brett M. Kavanaugh, Nominee to the D.C. Circuit [5]
- Brett M. Kavanaugh, Nominee to the D.C. Circuit [6]
- Brett M. Kavanaugh, Nominee to the D.C. Circuit [7]
- Judicial Nominations - Miscellaneous 2003: 05/16/2003
- Binder - POTUS 05/16/2003
- Binder - POTUS Duplicate 05/16/2003
- Brett Kavanaugh Binder [1]
- Brett Kavanaugh Binder [2]
- Brett Kavanaugh Binder [3]
- Brett Kavanaugh Binder [4]
- Brett Kavanaugh Legislative Binder
- Nominees - Supporting Materials [1]
- Nominees - Supporting Materials [2]
- Nominees - Supporting Materials [3]
- [Brett Kavanaugh] [1]
- [Brett Kavanaugh] [2]
- [Brett Kavanaugh]: DC Circuit Facts
- [Brett Kavanaugh]: Kavanaugh - 2006
- [Brett Kavanaugh]: Kavanaugh - ABA (American Bar Association)
- [Brett Kavanaugh]: Kavanaugh - Letters & OpEds
- [Brett Kavanaugh]: TPs (Talking Points)
- Brett M. Kavanaugh [1]
- Brett M. Kavanaugh [2]
- Brett M. Kavanaugh [3]
- Brett M. Kavanaugh [4]
- Binder - Brett M. Kavanaugh, Nominee to the DC Circuit
- CADC (Court of Appeals DC Circuit) Kavanaugh [1]
- CADC (Court of Appeals DC Circuit) Kavanaugh [2]
- CADC (Court of Appeals DC Circuit) Kavanaugh [3]