Finding Aid
2018-0263-F: Emails Processed in Response to Blumenthal v. NARA FOIA Litigation
Request Information
Emails responsive to this request are being released on a rolling basis in segments. Please check this page for updates. The materials in FOIA 2018-0263-F are a selective, not necessarily all inclusive, body of documents responsive to the topic of the FOIA. Researchers should consult the archivist about related materials.
Official records of George W. Bush’s presidency are housed at the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum and administered by the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of the Presidential Records Act.
For information about the electronic records at the George W. Bush Presidential Library, please see the Electronic Records Guide.
Segment 1 - published online on February 11, 2019
2018-0263-F[1]: Emails Sent to Brett Kavanaugh, Jason Lundell, and Manuel Miranda in December 2003
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[1] requested emails on which Brett Kavanaugh, Jason Lundell, and Manuel Miranda were all included, either as senders or recipients, during December 2003.
This FOIA consists of four emails that contain a December 3, 2003 news article by Jeff Gannon of Talon News. There are two unique emails from different senders, with a duplicate of each email included.
4 assets
Segment 2 - published online on March 12, 2019
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[2] requested materials related to emails between Manuel Miranda and Brett Kavanaugh between July 2003 - April 2004 and emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh containing the terms "Manny" or "Ledeen" between November 2003 - April 2004.
This FOIA primarily contains speech drafts, news articles, and op-eds, as well as talking points regarding Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the United States Court of Appeals - DC Circuit and administrative emails regarding facts pertaining to the status of George W. Bush administration judicial nominees.
189 assets
Segment 3 - published online on April 4, 2019
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[3] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh containing the terms "dem staff," mole, spy*, spies, Ledeen, Willett, and Lundell between July 2003 - April 2004.
This FOIA primarily contains emails containing news articles, press releases regarding state legislative actions, announcements of George W. Bush Administration nominees and scheduling of their hearings as well as a briefing for the Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner and various scheduling emails.
234 assets
Segment 4 - published online on April 23, 2019
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[4] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh containing the terms Manuel, Manny, or Miranda between July 2003 - April 2004.
This FOIA primarily contains emails containing news articles, public opinion polls, excerpts from the Congressional Record, as well as announcements of personnel changes and judicial nominations from the George W. Bush Administration. Additional material for release includes routine scheduling emails, briefing papers for public presidential events, correspondence from members of Congress, as well as drafts of the acknowledgements portions of President George W. Bush's remarks and statements.
871 assets
Segment 5 - published online on September 9, 2019
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[5] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh containing the term Pryor between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains talking points, press releases, fact sheets, transcripts, newsletters and information from outside organizations, news articles, routine emails regarding statistical information, information concerning the recess appointment of William H. Pryor Jr. on February 20, 2004, and information related to the nomination of Brett M. Kavanaugh to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Transcripts include Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing transcripts and Senate Judiciary Committee business meeting transcripts. Also included is a memorandum of understanding from the Senate regarding judicial nominations. Records regarding Pryor’s appointment include biographical data sheets, administrative emails, draft and final routine memorandum to President George W. Bush to approve the recess appointment, a statement by President George W. Bush, and emails coordinating the sending of a congratulatory letter. Records related to Kavanaugh's appointment include emails that mention Kavanaugh's involvement with the Pryor appointment such as news articles, excerpts from blog posts, and transcripts.
287 assets
Segment 6 - published online on October 8, 2019
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[6] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh containing the term Pickering between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains legislative correspondence reports, judicial nomination statistics, press gaggles, a guest list for a Congressional Ball, draft and final versions of the acknowledgements for a speech given by President George W. Bush, questions regarding Judge Charles Pickering Sr.'s attendance at an event, published writings such as op-eds, articles, and blog posts, newsletters from organizations such as the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation, a letter from Representative Charles Pickering Jr. recommending the awarding of the Congressional Medal of Freedom to G.V. "Sonny" Montgomery, and a response to that letter from White House staffer David Hobbs.
295 assets
Segment 7 - published online on November 14, 2019
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[7] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing William Haynes or Priscilla Owen between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains news articles, Google Alert messages, and an email regarding William J. Haynes’ entry into the White House. Records related to Priscilla Owen include news articles, a congratulatory message from Owen to Brett Kavanaugh, a list of judges for a column to be written by George Will, and background materials on Miguel Estrada, Carolyn Kuhl, and Owen dated between July 2003 and September 2003.
291 assets
Segment 8 - published online on December 11, 2019
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[8] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Priscilla Owen between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains a "myth vs. fact" fact sheet regarding Kavanaugh’s suitability for appointment to the U.S. Court of Appeals, news articles and opinion pieces, emails regarding the plans for Owen’s appearance at the White House upon her confirmation, a final draft of both a statement and talking points regarding Owen’s confirmation, and additional administrative and routine emails.
251 assets
Segment 9 - published online on January 9, 2020
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[9] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Priscilla Owen or Carolyn Kuhl between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains articles, talking points, lists of questions asked by Senators during judicial confirmation hearings, event photo status spreadsheets, and copies of letters sent to Senators Feinstein and Schumer. Also included are administrative emails regarding Owen's confirmation, appointment, and investiture.
293 assets
Segment 10 - published online on February 13, 2020
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[10] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Wendy Grubbs, Steve Koebele, or Nathan Sales between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains administrative and routine emails. Records regarding Wendy Grubbs include formal personnel announcements, various issues of “Off the Shelf” news compilations from the Office of Cabinet Affairs, meeting and conference call scheduling notices, invitations to office parties, staff arrival and departure announcements, a Heritage Foundation newsletter, notices regarding White House Mess operating hours, news articles, spreadsheets of White House commissioned officers, final statements of administration policy, and other mass announcements such as changes in Homeland Security threat levels, requests to pick up holiday cards, and an invitation to a 9/11 remembrance event. Records regarding Steve Koebele are duplicate copies of an email from Mr. Koebele inquiring about the time and date of the signing of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban. Records regarding Nathan Sales include congratulatory messages from Sales to Brett Kavanaugh, administrative emails regarding a speech, an invitation to a conference, and compilations of quotes put together by the RNC.
366 assets
Segment 11 - published online on March 11, 2020
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[11] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Wendy Grubbs between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains administrative emails regarding scheduling and meetings, personnel announcements, talking points, a draft statement regarding medical liability reform, and "Off the Shelf" news bulletins from the Office of Cabinet Affairs. Records from this segment date between July 8, 2003 and July 15, 2003.
399 assets
Segment 12 - published online on April 9, 2020
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[12] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Wendy Grubbs between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains administrative emails regarding scheduling and meetings, personnel announcements, newsletters from the Heritage Foundation, news articles, a briefing paper for a reception with Republican senators, an invitation to a surprise birthday party for Alberto Gonzales, "Off the Shelf" news bulletins from the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs, and a brief exchange between Kavanaugh and Grubbs regarding his potential confirmation as a judge. Records from this segment date from July 2003.
330 assets
Segment 13 - published online on May 7, 2020
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[13] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Wendy Grubbs between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains administrative emails regarding scheduling and meetings, personnel announcements, talking points, an invitation to a surprise birthday party for Alberto Gonzales, and "Off the Shelf" news bulletins from the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs. Records from this segment date from July 28, 2003 to August 1, 2003.
260 assets
Segment 14 - published online on June 4, 2020
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[14] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Wendy Grubbs between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains administrative emails regarding scheduling and meetings, personnel announcements, newsletters from the Heritage Foundation, news articles, a spreadsheet listing all of the current commissioned officers serving in the White House, as well as additional factual and routine emails. Records from this segment date from August 2003.
390 assets
Segment 15 - published online on January 14, 2021
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[15] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Wendy Grubbs between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains administrative emails regarding personnel announcements, news articles, spreadsheets listing all of the current commissioned officers serving in the White House, draft and final versions of a briefing paper for White House staff departure photos, a list of recipients of handwritten letters from President George W. Bush sent in 2004, a chart containing cited quotes from Senators regarding filibusters, as well as additional factual and routine emails. Records from this segment date from September 26, 2003 to May 18, 2005.
344 assets
Segment 16 - published online on August 18, 2021
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[16] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Wendy Grubbs between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains administrative emails regarding personnel announcements, news articles, spreadsheets listing all of the current commissioned officers serving in the White House, draft and final versions of a briefing paper for White House staff departure photos, a list of recipients of handwritten letters from President George W. Bush sent in 2004, a chart containing cited quotes from Senators regarding filibusters, as well as additional factual and routine emails. Records from this segment date from July 15, 2003 to May 18, 2005.
299 assets
Segment 17 - published online on August 30, 2021
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[17] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Wendy Grubbs between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains administrative emails regarding personnel announcements, news articles, spreadsheets listing all of the current commissioned officers serving in the White House, draft and final versions of a briefing paper for White House staff departure photos, a list of recipients of handwritten letters from President George W. Bush sent in 2004, a chart containing cited quotes from Senators regarding filibusters, as well as additional factual and routine emails. Records from this segment date from September 4, 2003 to December 18, 2003.
268 assets
Segment 18 - published online on September 16, 2021
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[18] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Wendy Grubbs between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains administrative emails regarding personnel announcements, news articles, spreadsheets listing all of the current commissioned officers serving in the White House, draft and final versions of a briefing paper for White House staff departure photos, a list of recipients of handwritten letters from President George W. Bush sent in 2004, a chart containing cited quotes from Senators regarding filibusters, as well as additional factual and routine emails. Records from this segment date from January 9, 2004 to January 19, 2004.
371 assets
Segment 19 - published online on September 24, 2021
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[19] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Wendy Grubbs between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains administrative emails regarding personnel announcements, news articles, spreadsheets listing all of the current commissioned officers serving in the White House, draft and final versions of a briefing paper for White House staff departure photos, a list of recipients of handwritten letters from President George W. Bush sent in 2004, a chart containing cited quotes from Senators regarding filibusters, as well as additional factual and routine emails. Records from this segment date from January 20, 2004 to February 9, 2004 regarding Wendy Grubbs and July 8, 2003 to September 24, 2003 regarding Lisa Graves.
273 assets
Segment 20 - published online on March 16, 2022
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[20] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails From, To, CC, or BCC Brett Kavanaugh Referencing Pregnan* between July 2003 and May 2006 that have not already been processed.
This FOIA primarily contains briefing papers, draft and annotated speeches, draft proclamations, background information on speech mentions, a weekly legislative report, and cabinet reports. Also included are draft and final Statements of Administration Policy, a veto threat chart, and veto threat sample language. Lastly, strategy emails regarding judicial nominations including Holmes, Pryor, and Kuhl as well as background information on Pryor are present. Records from this segment date from July 9, 2003 to September 8, 2004.
250 assets
Segment 21 - published online on April 27, 2022
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[21] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing pregnan* between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains briefing papers, draft and annotated speeches, and weekly cabinet reports. Also included are draft White House publication language, a veto threat chart, and drafts of a memorandum regarding the FDA approval of the Plan B Emergency Contraceptive. Lastly, strategy emails regarding judicial nominations and fact checking materials for the Iraq Progress Reports are present. Records from this segment date from July 11, 2003 to December 30, 2003.
357 assets
Segment 22 - published online on May 25, 2022
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[22] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails From, To, CC, or BCC Brett Kavanaugh referencing pregnan* between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains briefing papers, speech drafts, videotaping script drafts, draft op-eds and articles, fact sheets, talking points, proclamations, draft presidential statements, draft statements of administrative policy, a values policy book, acknowledgment lists, draft and final reports, administrative emails regarding speech mentions, and gift reports. Also included is a
draft memorandum regarding personal responsibility and compassion and a draft memorandum regarding a women’s issues briefing. Many of these records relate to events and speeches regarding medical liability reform, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, and other health related events. Records from this segment date from January to December 2004.
452 assets
Segment 23 - published online on June 27, 2022
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[23] requested Emails From, To, CC, or BCC Brett Kavanaugh Referencing Pregnan* between July 2003-May 2006 that have not already been processed.
This FOIA primarily contains speech drafts, telephone call script drafts, fact sheets, draft presidential statements, draft statements of administrative policy, correspondence, draft and final reports, night notes, schedules, and calendars. Many of these records relate to events and speeches regarding the 2005 Economic Report of the President, the 2005 March for Life, medical liability reform, and the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act. Records from this segment date from January 2005 through May 2006.
246 assets
Segment 24 - published online on August 2, 2022
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[24] requested Emails From, To, CC, or BCC Brett Kavanaugh Referencing Pregnan* between July 2003-May 2006 that have not already been processed.
This FOIA primarily contains draft remarks, administrative emails, news articles, draft messages, meeting information, briefing papers, comments on news articles regarding Judge John Roberts, and information concerning previous Supreme Court nominees and questions asked during hearings. Additionally, there are agendas, briefing slides, and meeting information for September 19, 2005 and September 20, 2005 meetings regarding Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Records from this segment date from May 4, 2005 to September 20, 2005.
273 assets
Segment 25 - published online on August 17, 2022
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[25] requested Emails From, To, CC, or BCC Brett Kavanaugh Referencing Pregnan* between July 2003-May 2006 that have not already been processed.
This FOIA primarily contains draft and annotated speeches, telephone call script drafts, draft presidential statements, draft correspondence, memoranda, draft and final reports, night notes, moot court background materials, draft legislative bills, and news articles. Notable topics in this segment include 2006 State of the Union draft materials, policy discussion of Hurricane Katrina, documents related to Secretary of State Colin Powell’s determination regarding funding of the United Nations Population Fund, discussion of China’s birth limitation policy, memoranda on women’s issues in 2004, and questions asked during Supreme Court nomination hearings. Records from this segment date from October 10, 2003 to June 15, 2006.
318 assets
Segment 26 - published online on September 19, 2022
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[26] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing pregnan* between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains copies of a draft hurricane fact sheet entitled Gulf Coast Update: Hurricane Relief, Recovery and Rebuilding Continues. Records from this segment date from March 8, 2006.
995 assets
Segment 27 - published online on October 20, 2022
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[27] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Roe between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains draft speeches, telephone call script drafts, draft talking points, draft and final reports, weekly legislative reports, cabinet reports, briefing papers, draft lists of acknowledgements, schedules, transcripts, email messages, and news articles. Records in this segment include blog posts and news articles discussing possible candidates for the Supreme Court of the United States, a transcript of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the DC Circuit court before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 2004, and Brett Kavanaugh’s written responses to questions from United States Senators following his DC Circuit court nomination. Records from this segment date from July 2003 through July 2005.
282 assets
Segment 28 - published online on November 28, 2022
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[28] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Roe between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains articles with and without commentary, draft Q&A for roundtable interviews, the internal transcript of the roundtable interview of the President with Texas Print Media on August 1, 2005, excerpts and transcripts from interviews with commentary, compilations of questions previously asked by Senators in Supreme Court nominee hearings, samples of emails received from the public regarding Justice O’Connor’s retirement announcement and John Roberts’ nomination to the Supreme Court, the transcript of the confirmation hearing of John Roberts to be Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit from the Government Printing Office, Hurricane Katrina DHS Sitrep #42 from September 16, 2005, and draft questions for a moot session. Topics include Justice O’Connor’s retirement, John Roberts’ nomination, and Harriet Miers’ nomination to the Supreme Court. Records from this segment date from July 5, 2005 to October 13, 2005.
264 assets
Segment 29 - published online on December 21, 2022
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[29] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Roe or Casey between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains news articles, an interview transcript, lists, printed blog posts, talking points, reports, presentations, schedules, and routine memoranda. Notable topics in this segment include Harriet Miers’ and Samuel Alito’s nominations to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing for his nomination to the District of Columbia Circuit Court, Senate vote counts on Roe v. Wade, a white paper on the appointment of federal judges, and an unclassified National Security Council scenario for a visit by Prime Minister of Iraq Ibrahim al-Jaafari in 2005. There are also emails between staffers in the White House Press Office and White House Counsel’s Office about Harriet Miers', Samuel Alito's, and Brett Kavanaugh's questionnaire answers in response to hearing follow-up questions from Congress, Alito's answers in his SCOTUS hearings, and about Miers' views on abortion. Records from this segment date from September 13, 2003 to May 17, 2006.
271 assets
Segment 30 - published online on January 23, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[30] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Casey between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains memorandum on National Energy Policy, cabinet reports, administrative alerts, press release for nominations delivered to the Senate, final copies of speeches, draft remarks, fact sheets, historical social security analysis, administrative emails scheduling social security meetings, event briefing papers, schedules, and articles. Records from this segment date from July 14, 2003 to June 9, 2004 and February 14, 2005 to February 18, 2005.
258 assets
Segment 31 - published online on February 24, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[31] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Casey between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains briefing papers, cabinet reports, speeches, news articles, presentations, and a legal opinion. Notable records in this segment include briefing papers for various presidential events and meetings, state political briefings, drafts of remarks given by President George W. Bush at the Signing of S.3, The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 on November 5, 2003, discussion by White House staffers of litigation on the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, and a court opinion issued by the King County Superior Court on Anderson v. King County regarding same-sex marriage. Records from this segment date from November 5, 2003 to August 31, 2004.
250 assets
Segment 32 - published online on March 27, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[32] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Casey between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains speech drafts, briefing papers, administrative emails regarding meetings and submission of reports, gift reports, a budget fact sheet, a Q and A, news articles, an invitation to a farewell gathering, and lists of Honorary Chairs, Awards and Memberships. Records from this segment date from September 1, 2004 to May 26, 2005.
343 assets
Segment 33 - published online on April 25, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[33] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Casey between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains speech drafts and transcripts, press pool reports, agendas, administrative emails, news articles, a legal opinion, and lists of Honorary Chairs, Awards and Memberships. Many of the news articles and emails discuss Cindy Sheehan and her antiwar protests after the death of her son Casey in Iraq. There are also several draft copies of the speech President George W. Bush gave at the Pentagon on the War on Terror on September 22, 2005. Additionally, there are letters from Gold Star families to President George W. Bush. Records from this segment date from June 1, 2005, to September 22, 2005.
316 assets
Segment 34 - published online on May 22, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[34] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Casey between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains news articles, hurricane updates, speech drafts, talking points regarding Samuel Alito, a memo regarding interviews and a q&a, a night note, and the National Strategy for Victory in Iraq 2005 report. Additionally, moot prep materials are present including appointment forms, excerpts from Senate questionnaires, and a memorandum from Samuel Alito to the Solicitor General regarding Memphis Police Department v. Garner. There are also numerous drafts of speeches, radio addresses, and press availabilities mostly regarding the War on Terror. Records from this segment date from September 23, 2005 to December 14, 2005.
271 assets
Segment 35 - published online June 29, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[35] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Casey between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains speech drafts, administrative emails, spreadsheets, lists of acknowledgements, and news articles. Notable documents include draft copies of several speeches by President George W. Bush: Statement on the Global War on Terror, January 4, 2006; Remarks on the War on Terror, January 10, 2006; and Remarks on the Global War on Terror, March 20, 2006. There are also drafts of the Joint Statement Denouncing Terrorist Destruction of the Golden Mosque by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and General George Casey, dated February 22, 2006. Records from this segment date from December 21, 2005, through March 15, 2006.
256 assets
Segment 36 - published online July 24, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[36] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Casey between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains draft remarks on the War on Terror, a q and a, briefing book inserts for a Cabinet Meeting and draft remarks, personnel announcements, news articles, press gaggles, the final Statement of Administration Policy on H.R. 2446 - Afghanistan Freedom and Security Support Act of 2007, lists of questions presented in grants for the Supreme Court, a cabinet report, a night note, administrative alerts, and hurricane updates. Records from this segment date from September 10, 2003 to June 9, 2008.
337 assets
Segment 37 - published online August 30, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[37] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Casey between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains speech drafts, personnel announcements, spreadsheets of meeting RSVPs, and a list of speech acknowledgements. Notable documents include draft copies of President George W. Bush’s Remarks on the Global War on Terror, given on March 20, 2006. Records from this segment date from February 8, 2006, through March 16, 2006.
411 assets
Segment 38 - published online September 15, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[38] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Casey between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains numerous copies of an email from Blake Gottesman alerting select staff that the President would like to see’s “today’s papers” each morning and administrative emails about staff departures. Records from this segment date from April 23, 2006 and May 24, 2006.
802 assets
Segment 39 - published online October 13, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[39] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing abort between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains administrative emails, news articles, routine memoranda, reports, draft letters, cabinet reports, charts, and a speech draft. Notable documents include night notes for key White House staff including Andy Card, Karl Rove, Joe Hagin, and Mike Gerson; White House Comment Line monthly reports; a speech draft of the comments President George W. Bush made on December 15, 2003, after the capture of Saddam Hussein; and several copies of the State of Administrative Policy on S. 1426, Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2004. Records from this segment date from July 8, 2003, through June 6, 2005.
269 assets
Segment 40 - published online November 17, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[40] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing abort between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains veto threat summaries, Freedom Corps greeter information and Air Force One biographies, weekly legislative reports, a trafficking in persons Memorandum for the President, a Memorandum for the Secretary of State regarding the Transfer of Funds from International Organizations and Programs (IO&P) funds to the Child Survival and Health Programs Fund, messages from the Federalist Society, draft robo letter information, news articles, emails regarding a news article, and a briefing paper and draft remarks regarding the signing of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban. Records from this segment date from July 11, 2003 through November 4, 2003.
320 assets
Segment 41 - published online December 15, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[41] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing abort between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains cabinet reports, talking points, gift reports, draft messages and robo letters regarding abortion, an enrolled bill memorandum and signing statement for the FY2004 Omnibus, weekly legislative reports, speech drafts, briefing papers, news articles, White House Comment Line reports, a 2003 accomplishments document, biographies for guests aboard Air Force One, discussion of an executive order regarding presidential delegation, and a Statement of Administration Policy. Many records relate to the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. Records from this segment date from November 5, 2003 through July 30, 2004.
401 assets
Segment 42 - published online January 22, 2023
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[42] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing abort between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains cabinet reports, gift reports, briefing papers, political briefings, news articles, q and a’s, White House Comment Line reports, biographies for guests aboard Air Force One, text from speeches, and discussion of draft veto threat language. Records from this segment date from August 2, 2004 through December 23, 2004.
294 assets
Segment 43 - published online February 20, 2024
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[43] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing abort between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains news articles, speech drafts and messages with edits, briefing papers, political briefings, administrative emails, pool reports, draft statements of administration policy, gift reports, White House Comment Line monthly reports, presidential correspondence monthly reports, night notes, legislative weekly reports, and records related to a Supreme Court vacancy such as articles, blogs, and discussion of executive privilege on Roberts’ documents. Records from this segment date from January 6, 2005 through August 31, 2005.
258 assets
Segment 44 - published online March 18, 2024
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[44] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing abort between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains news articles, night notes, cabinet reports, comment line reports, talking points, and moot schedules. Most records relate to Harriet Miers’ and Samuel Alito’s Supreme Court nominations. Records from this segment date from September 4, 2005 to December 27, 2005.
252 assets
Segment 45 - published online April 17, 2024
Scope and Context
FOIA 2018-0263-F[45] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing abort between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains comment line reports, articles, schedules, talking points, drafts of the 2006 State of the Union, night notes, briefing papers, speech drafts, and gift reports. Records from this segment date from January 2, 2006 to March 30, 2006.
275 assets
Segment 46 - published online May 20, 2024
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[46] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing abort or pro-life between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains night notes, speech drafts, comment line reports many of which relate to Terry Schiavo, articles with commentary, cabinet reports, moot schedules, briefing papers, gift reports, a memorandum on Plan B Emergency Contraceptive, and information on judicial nominees. Records from this segment date from July 10, 2003 to January 10, 2007.
668 assets
Segment 47 - published online June 24, 2024
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[47] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing pro-life, pro-choice, fetal, fetus, abomination, existing precedent, existing Supreme Court precedent, or Voting Rights Act between July 2003 and May 2006. There were no responsive records for existing Supreme Court precedent.
This FOIA primarily contains night notes, speech drafts, articles with commentary, cabinet reports, briefing papers, memoranda on embryonic stem cell research, drafts of a proclamation celebrating the 40th anniversary of the passing of the Voting Rights Act, edits to the FY2005 Department of Interior appropriations bill, progress reports on Congressional legislation, and information on judicial nominees. Records from this segment date from July 8, 2003 to April 3, 2007.
763 assets
Segment 48 - published online July 22, 2024
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[48] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing Voting Rights Act between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains night notes, cabinet reports, and a pool report regarding the Voting Rights Act. Records from this segment date from October 29, 2004 to June 1, 2006.
524 assets
Segment 49 - published online August 21, 2024
Scope and Content
FOIA 2018-0263-F[49] requested previously unprocessed materials related to emails sent or received by Brett Kavanaugh referencing VRA, Minority Voters, Black Voters, Hispanic Voters, Latino Voters, African-American Voters, Racial Discrimination, or Discriminatory Voting Practices between July 2003 and May 2006.
This FOIA primarily contains night notes, cabinet reports, speech drafts, draft letters, articles with commentary, political briefings, draft proclamations, information on judicial nominees, cabinet headlines, commentary on potential legislation such as the Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act and the National Museum of African-American History and Culture Act, a memorandum and talking points concerning a credentialing ceremony for new ambassadors, a memorandum and talking points for a roundtable with regional reporters, answers to a NAACP candidate survey, a memorandum regarding the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling, and talking points regarding African-American academic progress and the rebuilding of several universities following Hurricane Katrina. Records from this segment date from July 8, 2003 to April 14, 2006.
433 assets