Finding Aid
2014-0132-F: Records on Christopher "Chris" Christie
Scope and Content
The materials in FOIA 2014-0132-F are a selective, not necessarily all inclusive, body of documents responsive to the topic of the FOIA. Researchers should consult the archivist about related materials.
FOIA 2014-0132-F requested materials related to Christopher "Chris" Christie. This FOIA includes correspondence, resumes, recommendation letters, routing memoranda, routine printed emails, scheduling requests, published reports, briefing materials, fax cover sheets, fact sheets, Q&As, vetting information, and news articles. These documents include schedules and event briefing materials for President George W. Bush, briefing materials and correspondence for White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten, and draft and final letters from President George W. Bush regarding greetings and congratulations to various groups and individuals. There is a large segment of material related to presidential appointments that primarily consists of information tracking sheets, resumes, and letters of recommendation. Some of the documents directly related to Chris Christie include correspondence inviting President George W. Bush to participate in a U.S. Senate youth event alongside Christie, a letter from President George W. Bush to Christie congratulating him on the birth of his daughter, correspondence between Karl Rove and Christie regarding a book sent to President George W. Bush by Christie, Christie’s resume and personal statement, recommendation letters in support of Christie’s appointment, administrative documents relating to the appointment process, as well as the memorandum approving Christie’s appointment as a United States Attorney. Christie’s name is also listed as a U.S. Attorney in the annual National Drug Control Strategy report from the White House.
The electronic records in this FOIA consist of published articles and transcripts, various government reports, and emails related to administrative or routine office functions. Additionally, there are photo and tour requests, documents from the Philadelphia-Camden High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Executive Board (of which Christie was a member), and talking points regarding judicial nominations. Finally, there are briefing papers, lists of meeting attendees, and seating charts for a meeting with U.S. Attorneys in January 2006.
108 folders, approximately 6,035 pages / 2,141 assets
Official records of George W. Bush's presidency are housed at the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum and administered by the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of the Presidential Records Act.
Folders and Documents
Records Management, White House Office of
Subject Files - FG001-07 (Briefing Papers)- 12/01/2003 [603782] [1]
- 12/01/2003 [603782] [2]
- 10/18/2004 [643223] [1]
- 10/18/2004 [643223] [2]
- 01/03/2006 [685567]
- 03/28/2008 [751470]
- 692397
- 556867
- 569666
- 576238
- 644061 [1]
- 644061 [2]
- 644061 [3]
- 644061 [4]
- 647428
- 650956
- 652618 [1]
- 652618 [2]
- 653989 [1]
- 653989 [2]
- 653989 [3]
- 653989: The Law of the Sea Convention
- 682849 [1]
- 682849 [2]
- 682849 [3]
- 683174 [1]
- 683174 [2]
- 683174 [3]
- 702623
- 479706 Folder 8 [1]
- 479706 Folder 8 [2]
- 479706 Folder 8 [3]
- 479706 Folder 8 [4]
- 479726 Folder 4 [1]
- 479726 Folder 4 [2]
- 479726 Folder 4 [3]
- 479726 Folder 4 [4]
- 479726 Folder 5 [1]
- 479726 Folder 5 [2]
- 479726 Folder 5 [3]
- 479726 Folder 5 [4]
- 479726 Folder 5 [5]
- 479742 Folder 3 [1]
- 479742 Folder 3 [2]
- 488322 Folder 7 [1]
- 488322 Folder 7 [2]
- 488326 Folder 8 [1]
- 488326 Folder 8 [2]
- 488326 Folder 8 [3]
- 488333 Folder 6 [1]
- 488333 Folder 6 [2]
- 488333 Folder 6 [3]
- 488333 Folder 6 [4]
- 488339 Folder 1 [1]
- 488339 Folder 1 [2]
- 488339 Folder 1 [3]
- 488377 Folder 2 [1]
- 488377 Folder 2 [2]
- 488377 Folder 2 [3]
- 649810 Katja Bullock Folder 3 [1]
- 649810 Katja Bullock Folder 3 [2]
- 649810 Katja Bullock Folder 3 [3]
- 649810 Katja Bullock Folder 3 [4]
- 649810 Katja Bullock Folder 3 [5]