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Natural Resources Lesson & Activities

A communities’ utilization of natural resources is a direct representation of their attitude toward their environment. A culture’s use of nature created/made/produced goods  shows how people have modified the environment to accommodate their needs. When children learn the concept of natural resources it opens their understanding of conservation. This also introduces them to the importance of reduction, reuse,and recycling within community. These simple activities listed below allow third grade students to look at the natural resources in their community and identify actions that have direct effect on their environment:

  • Reading books about natural resources. 
  • Vocabulary Words (Use these words for teachable moments, have students make flashcards, or a Natural Resource book using words):
    • Raw
    • Environment
    • Wind Turbine
    • Power
    • Farm
    • Photosynthesis
    • Nuclear
    • Economic Development
    • Rain Forest
    • Grassland
    • Ecosystem
    • Community Development
    • Pollution
  • Guide students in a discussion about natural resources and ecosystems. Make a chart of discussion.
  • Have students each choose and ecosystem of their choice. Students must write a paragraph listing interesting facts about their system. Student will then create a foldable book about their ecosystem including the facts they have learned and drawings they have created. Books will be shared and displayed in class.
  • Students will be assigned to groups. Each group will be expected to come up with an idea of how to reduce, reuse, or recycle in their community in order to conserve natural resources.

Human Resources Lesson & Activities

Human Resources is the use of skills to make /produce goods or services. People skills come in all ages, colors, genders, religions, cultures and communities. Human Resources are influenced by cultural factors that shape communities. Human Resources are often created by the merging of a variety of cultures within a community. When students learn how cultures adapt and change within a multicultural environment they will have a deeper understanding of the impact of human services within a community. Use the activities listed below to help third graders understand the concrete idea of human resources within communities:

  • Read books about different cultures, communities, traditions, and holidays.
  • Vocabulary Words (Use these words for teachable moments. Have students make flashcards using words):
    • Civilization
    • Ability
    • Adapt
    • Skill
    • Impact
    • Classify
    • Prior Knowledge
    • Recall
    • Purpose
    • Merge
    • Human Resource
    • Specialize
    • Immigrant
  • Take a several different newspapers select and cut out different articles from various sections. Discuss the layout and purpose of a Newspaper. Pair students. Give each pair of students one or two articles. Have  students compare and contrast what is going on where they live with location of the newspaper article. Have students share with class.
  • Guide students in a discussion about traditions and holidays their families and communities practice and celebrate. Where did these traditions and holidays originate from?  Make a chart of discussion, then have students illustrate posters depicting discussion chart to display in classroom.

Capital Resources Lesson & Activities

Capital Resources are the use of goods to specifically make or produce other goods and services to help people have productive lives and  communities function. Every person in the world uses Captal Resources in their daily lives. Teaching students to differentiate personal and community capital resources will help students understand the principles of civic responsibility. The activities below will help third graders develop a sense of community, national, and global civic duty and responsibility:

  • Read books civic responsibility and duty.
  • Vocabulary Words (Use these words for teachable moments, have students make flashcards, or Civic Responsibility/Duty/Obligation book using words):
    • Veternaian
    • Teacher
    • Hammer
    • Senator
    • Water
    • Minerals
    • Pencil
    • Salt
    • Mechanic
    • Car
    • Factory
    • Buildings
    • Computers
  • Have third graders explore different types of goods and services and what they are used for.
  • Guide students in a discussion about what goods and services they use on a daily basis vs. what goods and services are needed in their neighborhood/local/state/national/global communities on a daily basis. Then make a chart of your discussion.
  • Guide students in a discussion concerning problems that capital resources may cause in communities and attempt to come up with solutions to these problems.
  • Have third grade students find local events, national events, and world events that discuss the use of capital resources. Have students write a summary about article. Current events may come from newspaper, radio, newspaper, television, or internet. Students will illustrate current event and share with class.