The George W. Bush Presidential Library is the 13th Presidential Library administered by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), a Federal agency. It is responsible for preserving the records from the Administration of President George W. Bush. Located on the campus of Southern Methodist University, the Bush Library offers a wide variety of educational and public programs.
How does the Education Program use TEKS to create programming and resources?
All programs and resources are based on the student requirements in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). When developing a program, we begin with the TEKS and use backwards design to determine that all activities and lessons meet the student requirements listed in the TEKS. This format is followed because it is understood that educators need resources, programs, and curriculum tied to their students’ learning standards.
Can I have someone from the George W. Bush Presidential Library visit our campus to talk with students?
Absolutely! Whether interested in a career day program, hearing from the curator, a presentation on Presidential records, or booking the education specialist, we will be happy to work with you. Send an email to
Do you offer Distance Learning Programs?
The Bush Library is not equipped to offer distance learning programs. However, we plan to incorporate them into our programming in the near future. In the meantime, consider the distance learning programs offered by the National Archives. For more information, contact the Education Program at